How to play

Here's a quick guide around the game mechanics.

Quick Guide:

  • The goal is to gain levels and increase your balance.
  • Collect Sets of 3 Cards from other users → this increases your level and earns you a bonus Card each time those users create a new Pack.
  • Getting 3 of your Cards collected by other users (they make a Set of your cards) → this increases your level and also enables you to create another Pack.
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Creating a Pack

To create a Pack, upload 3 photos/videos. Assign a rarity type to each of the 3 photos: a Unique, a Rare, and a Common.

  • Unique Card = photo has 1 Edition
  • Rare Cards = photo starts at 5 Editions
  • Common Cards= photo starts at 10 Editions
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Collecting a Set

Collect 3 Cards from another user to achieve a Set. A Set can be made using Cards from multiple Packs.

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Set → Bonus Cards

When you collect a Set, you are eligible for Bonus Cards. Bonus Cards are an Edition from any new Pack by the person you collected a Set of.

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Set → Unlocks Creating a Pack

Collecting a Set also unlocks a new Pack creation opportunity for the person you collected a Set of. Likewise, you can create a new Pack once someone has created a Set from your Cards.

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Revs and Estimated Value

Revs are Revel’s in-app currency. All Cards have an Estimated Value in Revs. Estimated Value is calculated based on Offers users put on Card and recent Card sale price. You can earn Revs by making good trades and you can buy more Revs in-app.

  • Net Worth and Balance

Your Net Worth is comprised of two elements:

  • The Estimated Asset Value of all the Cards that you own.
  • The Balance of Revs in your wallet.
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Cashing out

Users can withdraw Revs on the desktop website to USD once reaching the cashout minimum balance (2,500 Revs).

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